United Way of Wilson County Agencies
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Application process for new agencies is closed as we work toward becoming an Issue Focused United Way.
Please watch for more information about our Issue Focus in 2025.
For United Way Partner Agencies – Click Here Community Impact Manual and Membership Agreement (Click Here for the signature only page.)
Application Process CLOSED.
The Agencies below are funded through generous donations made during the United Way Campaign
American Red Cross – (252) 237-2171, Director Tammy Forrester. The Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of house fires and disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. In addition, the Red Cross offers preparedness programs to help families and organizations withstand, quickly adapt to and recover from a disaster or emergency, ultimately helping to create a more resilient community. Website: redcross.org/nenc
The Arc - (252) 237-8266, 405 W Nash St. Suite 201 Wilson NC, 27893. Director: Keri Graven. The Arc of Wilson County provides social programs/opportunities and advocates for the rights of children and adults with intellectual delays and disabilities (I/DD). For our babies and toddlers, we hold weekly events that promote social development through age-based activities between children with I/DD and neurotypical children. We also create an opportunity for education and support for parents. For our school-aged children, we hold a 4-week day camp (Camp Sunshine) that provides kids with I/DD a real camp experience tailored to their sensitivities and needs. We also provide support to parents through IEP advocacy. For our adults, we provide social and life skills opportunities that promote a better quality of life. We also hold various social events, such as dances, for all of our participants and their families to engage with each other. Website: arcofwilsonnc.org
Diversified Opportunities, Inc. - (252) 291-0378, 1010 Herring Avenue, Wilson, N.C. 27893. Director: Cindy Harrell. Provides a variety of comprehensive services including vocational evaluation, work training and job placement, compensatory education and adult developmental vocational programs to disabled and disadvantaged adults age 16 and over so that they may live and work as independently as possible. Website: DiversifiedOpportunitiesInc.com
Flynn Christian Fellowship Home – (252) 237-8320, 209 N. Goldsboro St., E. Wilson NC 27893. Director Ryan Jiles. Provides shelter and assistance to recovering alcoholic or drug dependent men. Currently operating two homes providing assistance to an average of 25 men. Website flynnhomeofwilson.org
Hope Station – (252) 291-7278, 309 Goldsboro St. E., Wilson, NC 27893 . Director: Dr Richard Childress. (Wilson County Interfaith Services, Inc.) Provides food for persons who are hungry; shelter for men, families and single women who are homeless; financial assistance for persons in crisis; and rapid re-housing and homeless prevention financial assistance and services. Website: hopestation-wilson.org
Meals on Wheels Wilson County - (252) 237-1303, 2101 Tarboro St. Wilson. Director: Michael Stanford - michael@mowwilson.org. Meals-on-Wheels served by volunteers to homebound individuals, while some individuals are also fed meals at congregate sites. Transportation is also provided to qualifying seniors for doctor visits .Website: mowwilson.org
PAL – Wilson Police Athletic / Activities League – (252) 399-2316 Director: Chief Benny Boykin Seeks to foster a partnership between youth, police and the community that builds positive relationships through recreational, athletic and educational programs. Website wilsonpdpal.org.
The SPOT – (252) 991-4018, 910 Tarboro Street, Wilson. Director: Matt Edwards. S-haring P-ositive O-utcomes T-ogether with kids and families in Wilson. The SPOT serves at-risk youth in a dedicated 30,000 sq ft facility. 7 professional staff, serving youth ages 5-18 in a structured program environment. Teen Center, classrooms, music room, art room and gymnasium with emphasis on education. Year-round programs. Website: wilsonyouthunited.org
Wesley Shelter, Inc. - (252) 291-2344, Director: Dr. Cherie D. Lindsay-Chapman. Provides emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, counseling, and legal and supportive services to those who are in crisis as a result of domestic or sexual violence, and to women and children who are homeless as defined by appropriate standards. Makes referrals to appropriate employment, housing and other social supports, and provides professional and community education about domestic and sexual violence. The goal is to end violence and build healthy, self-sufficient families in a community educated on the issues. Website: wesleyshelter.org/
Wilson Crisis Center — (252) 237-5156, 208 Tarboro St. Wilson. Director: Nancy Sallenger. Provides 24 hour telephone assistance for callers needing information, referrals, or someone who will listen and care, 365 days per year. Contact number for AA/NA. There is also a separate Teen Help Line providing assistance to teens. A daily reassurance calling program to senior citizens/disabled adults, and Child Check, a service to call latchkey children is also available.
Y.O.U.T.H. of Wilson — (252) 243-3675, 114 Pine St NE, Wilson. Director: Tammy Daniel. Establishes partnerships between volunteer adult mentors and young people who need a friend. Also utilizes volunteers to supervise young people performing court-ordered community service. Website: youthofwilson.org
For mental health resources click HERE.
Donors may designate a gift of $25 of more through the United Way to an agency below.
For United Way Designation-Only Agencies Click here Designation-Only Agency Agreement Manual
The United Way has closed the application for new Designation-Only Agencies.
To be a Designation-Only Agencie an agency must have three years or more of providing services in Wilson County as a 501(c)(3)
Boy Scouts, East Carolina Council of, – (252) 243-8742, P.O. Box 1698, Kinston. Youth participate in character development, citizenship training, physical fitness programs, and learn teamwork through Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Explorers, and Life Participants. Website www.eccbsa.org.
Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc., – (252) 243-9800, 303 East Green Street, Wilson. Offers primary health care services for the entire family. Family Practice and Internal Medicine physicians available. Individual and group health education and diabetes mgmt. programs on-site. Bi-lingual staff. Medicaid, Medicare, and other Commercial Insurance accepted. Special programs available for uninsured. Website www.cfhcnc.org
Children’s Home Society of N.C., – 1 (800) 632-1400, P.O. Box 14608, Greensboro N.C. 27415. Statewide adoption and counseling services. General Email: info@chsnc.org. Website www.chsnc.org.
Fight For Me Foundation, – (252) 399-2881 The Fight For Me Foundation works to provide funding for Fire Fighters in need of funding assistance for medical or health treatments.
Foundation YMCA of Wilson, – (252)-291-9622 Strengthening the community by protecting and nurturing youth; improving the health and well-being of Wilson County; and fostering a sense of belonging and connectivity for all. Website www.wilsonymca.org
Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines, – (919) 600-6310, Girl Scouts is the preeminent leadership development organization dedicated to girls, their health, well being and development.
Habitat for Humanity, Wilson Area, – (252) 291-0816, 405 West Nash St., Suite 203, Wilson, N.C. 27893. Director: Staff. The Wilson Area Habitat for Humanity is unashamedly a Christian organization that seeks to put decent shelter on the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Website www.wilsonhabitat.org.
Imagination Station Science Museum, – (252) 291-5113, 224 East Nash Street, P.O. Box 2127, Wilson, N.C. 27894-2127. Provides hands-on science activities and educational opportunities to citizens of eastern North Carolina. Website www.imaginescience.org.
O.I.C. of Wilson, – (252) 291-0038, 801 North Reid Street, Wilson. A multi-faceted community resource center w/programs designed to foster self-sufficiency. Include: basic education, life skills, attitudinal and motivational training, private sector customized training, job seeking and job keeping skills. Website: www.oicwilson.org
Special Olympics Wilson, – (252) 399-2285, 500 Sunset Rd., Wilson, NC 27893. Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness and to demonstrate courage.
St. John Community Development Corporation, Inc. — (252) 265-9764, 639 Walnut Street, Wilson NC. The St. John CDC provides educational, vocational, economic, and social support to the residents of Wilson through its S.A.Y.-Save a Youth afterschool, vocational, gang prevention, and summer camp programs; community food pantry, weekly community meals and transitional housing for the homeless. Website www.stjohncdcwilson.org.
Wilson County Partnership for Children, – (252) 206-4235 Our mission is to support the development of young children and families in Wilson County through collaborative, community based programs focusing on health, family support services and quality education.