United Way Works to End America's Education Crisis
Education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. But with more than 1.2 million children dropping out each year, America faces and education crisis. The cost? More than $312 billion in lost wages, taxes and productivity over their lifetimes. These trends are reversible, but only when communities and public, private and nonprofit sectors work together.
Our Goal
We want to see our citizens succeed and we believe having a strong educational foundation is important. Your United Way funds local agencies in Wilson County that work specifically toward improving education for children, adults and citizens with special needs. Click HERE to see the organizations that are funded through your donations.
Our Strategy
We can’t focus on high school alone. High School dropouts are 12 years in the making, usually starting early childhood education behind schedule. United Way’s model focuses on supportive communities, effective schools and strong families – strategies and approaches rooted in research. Tackling the education challenge requires reframing education on a birth to 21 continuum.
Our Focus Areas
- Enter School Ready to Succeed
- Read Proficiently by 4th Grade
- Make a Successful Transition to Middle School
- Graduate from High School on Time
- Be Ready for Success in College, Work, and Life
Education Research Overview
The Education Research Overview (PDF) gives communities and United Way partners a more detailed picture of the research grounding United Way’s cradle-to-career education continuum. It’s organized around United Way’s five education focus areas, dedicating one section to each. Each section frames the case for action (rooted in the latest research), offers strategies that experts suggest work, and gives samples of promising practices underway and innovative ideas from United Ways.
How You Can Help
To reach our goal, we need your help! The strategies proven to work are those that connect communities to their schools: parent involvement; literacy volunteers in the classroom; mentors for disadvantaged students; business leaders engaged in early childhood advocacy. VOLUNTEER TO HELP!